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128th Riverton 4th of July Children's Parade

  • Riverton Yacht Club (map)

Join us for the historic 128th annual Riverton 4th of July Children’s Parade, the cornerstone of our wonderful celebration! The parade begins at the Riverton Yacht Club and travels up Main Street, ending at Riverton Memorial Park. We look forward to seeing you there!

No registration is required to participate in the Riverton 4th of July Parade; all you need to do is follow the signs the morning of to the location that makes sense for your group. No business marketing is permitted in the parade. For safety, please do not throw candy or objects from within vehicles.

We offer a $100 Best Float award, announced at the Park Games following the parade.

Learn about our esteemed parade marshals from previous years.

Lineup Information

Lineup Times:

  • Lineup begins at the riverbank at 9 AM.

  • Signage and volunteers will direct participants to the appropriate lineup location.

  • All participants must be on the riverbank no later than 9:30 AM prepared to march in the parade. Street closures begin following that and make getting to the lineup difficult.

Lineup Locations:

Please do not drive to the riverbank to drop off participants during the lineup times. Park remotely and walk to the line-up site.

  • Bikes, Strollers, Kiddie Cars - Baptist Home Driveway.

  • Floats - First Block of Lippincott Avenue facing the river.

  • Classic Automobiles (must be 25 years or older) - Bank Avenue south of Lippincott Avenue. Line up on the side closest to the river facing north. Commercial vehicles advertising products or services are prohibited.

  • Fire Companies - Bank Avenue north of Main Street, facing south.

  • Parade Dignitaries (Councils, Clergy, County/State Officials) - Meet at the southern edge of the Yacht Club parking lot; the Parade Coordinator will direct you.

  • Marching Bands & Musical Groups - Line up on Penn Street, facing the river.

  • All Other Walking Groups - For everyone’s safety, please remain on south side of Yacht Club on the grass behind the snow fencing. A Parade Committee Volunteer will direct you when it is time to enter the street.

Contact Casey Foedisch, Parade Co-Coordinator, at 856-786-2088 with any questions.

July 4

1 Mile Run for Fun

July 4

Park Festivities